Scotland Road, Warrington
Located on the site of an existing shopping centre, the masterplan involves the consolidation of retail tenants to unlock available brownfield land for residential development. A complex phasing strategy undertaken by Like will facilitate the creation of a new residential quarter within the heart of Warrington town centre. The scheme provides up to 900 homes which serve both the affordable housing market and private rental sector. Like have sought to deliver quality sustainable living environments through the inclusion of generous public space and private amenity as well as a range of residential typologies to suit a wider market. Working in close collaboration with a local Northern Ireland developer and Warrington and Co. this significant development achieved planning approval in September 2022.
The scheme will knit the development into the urban fabric of the Town Centre and deliver an attractive and people friendly environment.
The masterplan aims to retain, and where appropriate, reinstate or strengthen these historic routes and connections, giving hierarchy to streets where pedestrian movement is prioritised. In referencing the historic urban grain, the contextual relevance of the proposals can be highlighted and will engender a sense of identity and place that is particular to Warrington.
A key aspect of ensuring the delivery of sustainable communities is how the thresholds are clearly defined between public and private.
Strategically placed focal points will add to the range of key landmarks, assist in directional wayfinding, and give a unique identity to the proposed development within the wider context.